
ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS I see my involvement with teaching as a complement to my work, something which is creatively inspiring and morally rewarding, helping me to push the envelope of my professional practice. I began in 1997/98 after my degree, when I worked as a tutor at the Università degli Studi in Florence, assisting Prof. Remo Buti, who also supervised my graduation thesis, in his course of Interior Architecture, following the projects of 18 groups of 5th year students to completion. Remo Buti's radical attitude conceives interior design as a way to address wider issues concerning the entire field of architectural design. In 2004-5, during my employment at Marks Barfield Architects in London, I have been co-tutoring and lecturing Interior Architecture in a Degree Studio at the School of Architecture and Design, Brighton University. The subject of the studio was an investigation on the concept of inhabitable borders and the nature and function of physical barriers in the contemporary city. In 2005 I have also been invited as a guest at final critiques of a Diploma course at the Bartlett School of Architecture in London. I currently teach in a BA Interior Design Studio (FIDER accredited), dealing with issues of contemporary interior design within historical contexts in the Florence Program of Kent State University in Florence, Italy. For the same program I also direct Study Tours, a course which involves a series of field trips to various Italian art cities and to several events such as the Salone del Mobile in Milan. I have been running the studio since the Spring Semester of 2006. Since 2008 I also run several english language courses in the private school for foreign students Lorenzo De’Medici in Florence: Product Design, Design Materials, Modern History of Interior Design and Architecture and Contemporary Architecture. All the courses are accredited by Marist College of Poughskeepie (NY) and part of either a BA or PSC in Interior Design. Since Fall 2010 I have also been directing the two propedeutic first year courses of Metodologia Progettuale and Design I, part of the three-years BA course in Interior Design offered by IED Firenze (Istituto Europeo di Design). Still for IED Firenze, in 2011 and 2012 I have been responsible for the lecture series within the workshop titled "Arredamento Creativo". Since September 2012 I also teach Furniture Design to international master students in the florentine school Florence Institute of Design International (Academics and Master courses). In the same school I have run the course denominated Design Research, following the thesis projects of third-year interior design students. The course is accreditated by the University of Chester (UK). In the Academic year 2014-15 I have been running and coordinating a second-year Industrial Design Workshop in the School of Engineering and Architecture at the University of Bologna. The course is part of the Degree in Industrial design offered by Alma Mater Studiorum.
2014-15 Scuola di Ingegneria e Architettura, Alma Mater Studiorum, Università di Bologna
2012- Florence Institute of Design International, Firenze
2010-2021 Istituto Europeo di Design, Firenze
2008-2020 Istituto Lorenzo de’Medici, Firenze
2006- Kent State University, Florence Program, Firenze
2004-05 University of Brighton, School of Arts and design
1997-98 Universita’ degli studi, Firenze, Facolta’ di Architettura
2009-10 AND, Rivista di architettura, Lavori selezionati degli studenti di Interior Design, KSU Florence
2005 AD, Maggio 2005, Food and the City issue, Illustrazioni e fotografie
2004 Architects Journal, Students Showcase